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Online signature campaign to " Defeat Depression-Talk about it "

Today is a brand new day,My past does not define me,My future is mine to create
Frequently Asked Questions!

1. What is Suicide?
Suicide is the act of intentionally or deliberately terminating one's own life. Every year there are one million suicides worlds wide (WHO, 1999). 

Some figures.

  • Every 40 seconds a person commits suicide.
  • Every 3 seconds a person attempts to die.
  • Suicide is one of the top three causes of death among the young in the age group of 15 – 35 years.
  • In India --The number of suicides in the country during the decade (1997–2007) has recorded an increase of 28.0% (from 95,829 in 1997 to 1,22,637 in 2007.  
  • According to the 2007 -CID report-Maharashtra has reported the highest number of suicides (15,184) accounting for 12.4% of total suicides followed by Andhra Pradesh (14,882) accounting for 12.1%. The other states, which have reported higher number of suicides during the year, were West Bengal (14,860), Tamil Nadu (13,811) and Karnataka (12,304) accounting for 12.1%, 11.3% and 10.0% respectively.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people die from suicide, which represents a global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds. It is predicted that by 2020 the rate of death will increase to one every 20 seconds.

2) What are the Factors that increase the risk of suicide

Studies from both developing and developed countries reveal two factors:1. A majority (80 – 100%) of suicides have a diagnosable mental disorder. 2. Suicide and suicidal behavior are more frequent in psychiatric patients

3) What are the Pre disposing factors leading to suicide? 

  1. Depression (all forms);Hopelessness
  2. Personality disorder (antisocial and borderline personality with traits of impulsivity)
  3. Aggression and frequent mood changes.
  4. Alcoholism (and/or substance abuse in adolescents)
  5. Schizophrenia
  6. Organic mental disorder
  7. Other mental disorders

4) What are the Potentiating Factors leading to Suicide?

  • Suicide of family members
  • major Injury or illness
  • Social Isolation
  • Access to means of suicide
  • Low self esteem
  • History of Abuse,Violence--Domestic Violence, Rape, 
  • Problems in Family relationship
  • Sexual orientation-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
  • Minority or Racism
  • Gender
  • Sociological or environmental stressors-Life Stressors Interpersonal problems Work & financial problems Rejection
  • Thought processing deficit

5)Why concentrate on this issue?  

  • Although suicide is a major public health problem globally and the subject is receiving considerable attention in the West, little is being done to address the problem in the countries of the developing countries like India where large numbers of suicides take place.
  • Mostly the services in the area of mental health and mental health issues including suicidal behavior are given little importance where the priorities are infectious diseases, sanitation, and housing.
  • There are considerable problems in certifying and recording suicides in the countries of the Indian subcontinent.
  •  There are legal, social, and religious reasons for this.
  • In India Suicide is a criminal offence. The “criminalization” of attempted suicide has led to stigma, avoidance of seeking help, and a lack of involvement of professionals in developing suicide preventive programs (Murthy, 2000). 
  • The psychological, social and financial impact of suicide on the family and the society is immeasurable. However research shows that most of suicidal death is preventable.

6) How can one help?

  • The first step is to find a suitable place where a quiet conversation can be held in reasonable privacy.
  • The next step is to allocate the necessary time.
  • Suicidal persons usually need more time to unburden themselves and one must be mentally prepared to give them time.
  • The most important task is then to listen to them effectively. “
  • To reach out and listen is itself a major step in reducing the level of suicidal despair”.
  • The aim is to bridge the gap created by mistrust, despair and loss of hope and give the person the hope that things could change for the better.
  • Try to seek help of professional counselor .
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